Böcker - Coup d'Etat in slow motion (1&2) , Ole Dammegård
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Coup d'Etat in slow motion
by Ole Dammegård , 2015
ISBN 978-1517072179
weight 1,4kg
For almost 30 years investigator Ole Dammegård has been on a quest to find the truth behind some of the worst conspiracies in the history of world – such as the murders US President John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, John Lennon and the blowing up of m/s Estonia killing at least 852 innocent people. This has taken him on a very frightening and dangerous journey into unknown territories.What has been claimed as acts by lone madmen has turned out to be connected to the International military industrial complex and toplevel high finance, all sanctioned locally behind dark smoke screens.This ground breaking book focuses on the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was gunned down in February1986. In Volume I secret agents, mercenaries, professional assassins, top politicians and innocent scapegoats fill the pages of this explosive book which shows a side of Sweden and the western world earlier glimpsed by very few. This is not the private opinion of one individual, but the disclosure of a puzzle so vast that it blows your mind. Let the detailed content speak for itself, but do not accept it uncritically.Read it - make up your own mind - then spread it.
Plats Halmstad
Inlagd 4 december 08:38 i Böcker & studentlitteratur
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